Мониторинг сервера Minecraft на PHP
class MinecraftStatus {
private $Socket, $Info;
public $Online, $MOTD, $CurPlayers, $MaxPlayers, $IP, $Port, $Error;
public function __construct($IP, $Port = '25565') {
$this->IP = $IP;
$this->Port = $Port;
if(preg_match('/(.*):\/\//', $this->IP)) {
$this->IP = preg_replace('/(.*):\/\//', '', $this->IP);
if(strpos($this->IP, '/') !== false) {
$this->IP = rtrim($this->IP, '/');
if(strpos($this->IP, '/') !== false) {
$this->Error = 'Unsupported IP/Domain format, no \'/\'s allowed';
if(preg_match_all('/:/', $this->IP, $matches) > 1) {
if(strpos($this->IP, '[') === false && strpos($this->IP, ']') === false)
$this->IP = '['.$this->IP.']';
} else if(strpos($this->IP, ':') !== false) {
$this->Error = 'Unsupported IP/Domain format';
if($this->Socket = @stream_socket_client('tcp://'.$this->IP.':'.$Port, $ErrNo, $ErrStr, 1)) {
if(strpos($this->IP, '[') === 0 && strpos($this->IP, ']') === (strlen($this->IP) - 1))
$this->IP = trim($this->IP, '[]');
$this->Online = true;
fwrite($this->Socket, "\xfe");
$Handle = fread($this->Socket, 2048);
$Handle = str_replace("\x00", '', $Handle);
$Handle = substr($Handle, 2);
$this->Info = explode("\xa7", $Handle);
if(sizeof($this->Info) == 3) {
$this->MOTD = $this->Info[0];
$this->CurPlayers = (int)$this->Info[1];
$this->MaxPlayers = (int)$this->Info[2];
$this->Error = false;
} else if(sizeof($this->Info) > 3) {
$Temp = '';
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->Info) - 2; $i++) {
$Temp .= ($i > 0 ? '§' : '').$this->Info[$i];
$this->MOTD = $Temp;
$this->CurPlayers = (int)$this->Info[sizeof($this->Info) - 2];
$this->MaxPlayers = (int)$this->Info[sizeof($this->Info) - 1];
$this->Error = 'Faulty motd or outdated script';
} else {
$this->Error = 'Unexpected error, cause may be an outdated script';
} else {
$this->Online = false;
$this->Error = 'Can not reach the server';
public function Info() {
return array(
'MOTD' => $this->MOTD,
'CurPlayers' => $this->CurPlayers,
'MaxPlayers' => $this->MaxPlayers
private function Failed() {
$this->MOTD = false;
$this->CurPlayers = false;
$this->MaxPlayers = false;
//require_once "MinecraftStatus.class.php";
$ip = ""; // IP адрес сервера Minecraft
$qport = 25565; // порт сервера Minecraft
$Server2 = new MinecraftStatus($ip, $qport);
$online = $Server2->Online; // сервер онлайн (bool: true / false)
$cur = $Server2->CurPlayers; // количество онлайн игроков на сервере
$max = $Server2->MaxPlayers; // максимум игроков на сервере
$motd = $Server2->MOTD; // MOTD сервера

9.02.2015, 22:27 -
Категория: Статьи » Программирование » PHP