Великий Дракон №55

Игры в номере:
Dendy: Dragon Warrior, Mighty Final Fight
Gameboy: Pokemon
SEGA Mega Drive: Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York, Beyond Oasis (The Story of Thor), Saint Sword
Sony PlayStation: The Simpson's Wrestling, Tales of Destiny 2, Action Man 2 - Destruction X, Arc the Lad Collection, The Blade, Ray Crisis, James Bond - Tomorrow Never Dies, Spec Ops Ranger Elite, Spot Goes to Hollywood, Lucky Luke, Rockman - Battle & Chase, Pulirula, Covert Ops - Nuclear Down, Final Fantasy IX, Sumbarine Commander, Xevious 3D/G+, Alone in the Dark 4 - The New Nigphpare, The Legend of Dragoon, Metal Slug X
Sony PlayStation 2: Xenosaga, Silent Hill 2
Dreamcast: UEFA Dream Soccer, Demolition Racer No Exit, Resident Evil Code - Veronica

Великий Дракон №55

Просмотров: 1635
11.05.2015, 07:54 -

Категория: Книги и журналы » Журналы

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