Великий Дракон №47
Игры в номере:
Dendy: Bomberman, Bomber King, Bomberman 2
Gameboy: Wario Blast, Battleship
SEGA Mega Drive: Phantasy Star, Captain America & the Avengers, Shining Force, Chester Cheetah - Wild, Wild Quest
Super Nintendo: The Adventures of Batman & Robin
Sony PlayStation: Final Fantasy VIII, Fatal Fury - Wild Ambition, Mission Impossible, Rainbow Six, Fighting Force 2, Gran Turismo 2, Spyro 2 - Ripto's Rage, Legacy of Kain 2 - Soul Reaver, Vandal Hearts 2 - Gates of Heaven, Grandia, Warzone 2100, Lunar Silver Star Story Complete

Dendy: Bomberman, Bomber King, Bomberman 2
Gameboy: Wario Blast, Battleship
SEGA Mega Drive: Phantasy Star, Captain America & the Avengers, Shining Force, Chester Cheetah - Wild, Wild Quest
Super Nintendo: The Adventures of Batman & Robin
Sony PlayStation: Final Fantasy VIII, Fatal Fury - Wild Ambition, Mission Impossible, Rainbow Six, Fighting Force 2, Gran Turismo 2, Spyro 2 - Ripto's Rage, Legacy of Kain 2 - Soul Reaver, Vandal Hearts 2 - Gates of Heaven, Grandia, Warzone 2100, Lunar Silver Star Story Complete


11.05.2015, 07:16 -
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