Великий Дракон №52
Игры в номере:
Dendy: Addams Family
Gameboy: Probotector 2
SEGA Mega Drive: Rings of Power, Bare Knuckle 3 (Streets of Rage 3), Wardner, Risky Woods
Sony PlayStation: Jackie Chan's Stuntmaster, Alien Ressurection, Tank Racer, Dracula - Ressurection, Threads of Fate, Medal of Honor - Underground, The Legend of Dragoon, Colin McRae Rally 2.0, Knockout Kings 2000, Quake II, 007 - The World is not Enough

Dendy: Addams Family
Gameboy: Probotector 2
SEGA Mega Drive: Rings of Power, Bare Knuckle 3 (Streets of Rage 3), Wardner, Risky Woods
Sony PlayStation: Jackie Chan's Stuntmaster, Alien Ressurection, Tank Racer, Dracula - Ressurection, Threads of Fate, Medal of Honor - Underground, The Legend of Dragoon, Colin McRae Rally 2.0, Knockout Kings 2000, Quake II, 007 - The World is not Enough


11.05.2015, 07:34 -
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